Choking adults

The following information is for choking in adults. There is separate advice on how to stop a child from choking.

Mild choking

If the airway is only partly blocked, the person will usually be able to speak, cry, cough or breathe.

In situations like this, a person will usually be able to clear the blockage themselves.

If choking is mild:

If coughing doesn't work, start back blows (see video below).

Severe choking 

If choking is severe, the person won't be able to speak, cry, cough or breathe, and without help they'll eventually become unconscious. If coughing doesn't work start back blows.

How to do back blows (also there is a video below):

To help an adult or child over 1 year old:

Do not give abdominal thrusts to babies under 1 year old or to pregnant women.

To perform abdominal thrusts on a person who is severely choking and isn't in one of the above groups:

The aim is to get the obstruction out with each chest thrust, rather than necessarily doing all 5.

If the person's airway is still blocked after trying back blows and abdominal thrusts:

The person choking should always be seen by a healthcare professional afterwards to check for any injuries or small pieces of the obstruction that remain.

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